Adult Nutrition

ORIMEX offers nutritional formulas for Adults :

  • Nutritional Supplement for Pregnant women or Lactating women

Good nutrition is an important part of a healthy pregnancy and during lactation.
A well-balanced diet will meet the specific nutritional needs of pregnant or lactating women in addition to their usual nourishment.

Main features of our nutritional supplement :

    • A tailor-made energetic and protein content, adapted to the Pregnancy an lactating period
    • Adequate levels of essential fatty acids, that the body cannot synthetize itself or not in sufficient quantities.
    • Iron supplementation to avoid deficiency and a possible anemia
    • Optimal level of folic acid for a good development of the foetus
    • Specific contents of Calcium and Vitamin D for a good mineralization of bones
    • Enrichment with soluble fibers for a healthy gut microflora and a good transit regulation
    • Contains conditionally essential nutrients with specific benefits.

Our product exists in different flavors for a good taste when consumed by the mother or the future mother.

  • Nutritional Supplement for Diabetics

Diabete is a chronic affection caused by an insufficient insulin activity. It will lead to an increase of the glycaemia (glucose level in blood).

ORIMEX provides a complete balanced diet to adults in diabetes care, with a low Glycemic Index. . It can be consumed as a meal supplement at any time of the day. This formula has been formulated for people which are concerned with their weight control, by limiting the increase of glucose level in blood, in order to prevent effects of Diabete type II. It can be consumed by patients with a Diabete type II (non insulin dependent) and patients with impaired glucose tolerance resulting from metabolic stress, such as illness, trauma and infection.

Main features of our nutritional supplement :

    • A controlled isocaloric (100 kcal/100 ml) energy level to help losing weight (in case of obesity) or to maintain adequate weight
    • Contains Selected proteins ( casein providing essential amino-acids and soy proteins having positive effect on blood cholesterol )
    • A balanced level of various lipids in order to limit LDL cholesterol and risks of cardiovascular diseases as well as to control weight (that can reduce insulin sensitivity)
    • A low content in saturated fats, trans fatty acids and dietary cholesterol and a high proportion of monounsaturated fats and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats
    • Contains selected carbohydrates such as starch (with a low GLYCEMIC Index)
    • Contains dietary fibers slowing down the gastric emptying and helping glycemia management
    • Balanced intake of minerals and vitamins


  • Complete balanced formula for adults ( to be given as nutritional supplement or meal replacer )

Surgical patients, weak or undernourished adults have high and balanced nutritional requirements.
They could need either a nutritional supplement or sometimes a meal replacer to meet their specific needs.

ORIMEX proposes a dedicated formula with adequate amount of required components, to be taken as a meal replacer or nutritional supplement either by oral intake or tube feeding. The formula is intended for adults with high and balanced nutritional requirements as in case of :

      • Post-surgery application (recovery food)
      • Malnutrition of patient who cannot take usual food
      • Patient who needs liquid diet or tube-feeding
      • Geriatric or weak persons
      • CVA – CVD patients or cancer patients, who needs a long term diet support

Main features of our nutritional formula :

    • A nutritionally complete balance of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals
    • Maintains or restores positive nitrogen balance, body weight & satisfactory blood chemistry and colonic normalization.
    • Rich in MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) useful in case of fat digestion disorders (malabsorption syndromes, patients after surgery, …)
    • Contains dietary fibers for better transit time and stimulation of nutrients absorption
    • Lactose free formula, suitable for lactose intolerant persons

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