Special Formulas


Fetal growth during the last weeks of gestation is faster than at any other time in life. This ultimate fetal growth represents a capital for future development. Furthermore, reserves are extremely small. It is therefore of utmost importance to provide the premature baby as soon as possible with the nutrients necessary for his development.

It is important that the feeding instructions given by the physician are followed carefully. Do not change proportions without medical advice.

Pre-REGALAC® is a nutritional formula for pre-term (< 37 weeks) and low-birth-weight (< 2500g) infants who need specific medical care. A pre-term infant or a low-birth-weight infant should have the adequate nutrients for his needs. Pre-REGALAC® is specifically adapted to cover the needs of energy and protein for a good postnatal growth rates.

Pre-REGALAC® provides the 2 essentials fatty acids (ω3 et ω6) and the polyunsaturated acids like Arachidonic Acid (AA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) which contribute to the visual and brain development of the pre-term infant.

Pre-REGALAC® premature formula is adapted for feeding premature and very low-birth-weight infants. The formula can be used under medical prescription for exclusive enteral feeding or in combination with parenteral nutrition. Further feeding at home is possible after medical advice.

Once the premature or low-birth-weight infant has reached the expected weight and size for his age, his nutritional requirements are comparable to those of a normal full-term infant with the same postconceptional age. He should then receive a normal infant formula like REGALAC 1®




REGALAC® SOY is a soy protein based infant formula for babies from birth to 1 year.

In case of allergy to cow's milk protein and/or intolerance to lactose, a medical advice is requested before using a formulation without cow milk and with soy protein.

REGALAC® SOY is specifically adapted for infant from birth to 1 year who needs infant formula without lactose and cow milk protein.

REGALAC® SOY contains soy protein enriched with L-methionine, L-carnitine, taurine, choline and inositol, and all nutrients necessary for a good development of the infant (energy, lipids with 2 essentials fatty acids ω6 et ω3, minerals and vitamins).

REGALAC® SOY is free of lactose, gluten, peanut, sucrose and fructose.

Energy density of REGALAC® SOY exactly copies the one of breast milk. The distribution of energy provided by protein, lipids and carbohydrates is balanced in a way permitting a very good digestive tolerance.

REGALAC® SOY complies with the standard of Codex Alimentarius and the recommendations of the European Union.




REGALAC® LF is a complete formula for infants for specific medical purpose. It is convenient for infant from birth with lactose intolerance.

In case of a bad digestion of lactose or a lactose intolerance, it is convenient to give an infant formula without lactose under medical advice.

REGALAC® LF contains all necessary nutrients for a healthy growth of the infant (energy, proteins, lipids with the 2 essentials fatty acids ω6 et ω3, minerals and vitamins)

REGALAC® LF is free from lactose, gluten, peanut, saccharose and fructose.

The energy density of REGALAC® LF corresponds to the energy density of breast milk. The distribution of energy from protein, lipids and carbohydrates has been calculated in order to improve digestive tolerance. The lactose has been substituted by maltodextrin to facilitate the digestion.

REGALAC® LF complies with the standard of Codex Alimentarius and the European Union regulations.


AR 1 et AR 2


REGALAC® AR 1 et AR 2 are an infant milk formulas for regurgitation from birth to 6 months and from 6 months to the age of 1 year.

REGALAC® AR 1 et AR 2 are elaborated from fresh cow’s milk and contains all necessary nutrients for a healthy growth of infant from birth to 1 year (energy, proteins, essentials fatty acids ω6 et ω3, minerals, vitamins).

The reduction of regurgitation of the infant with REGALAC® AR 1 et AR 2 is based on two formula adaptations:

  • An increase of casein fraction, this protein will flocculate in the stomach. The whey protein intake is maintained at 40% to provide a profile of proteins with high biological value.
  • An addition of starch in the carbohydrate content (<30%) to loaded the bolus gastric in the stomach.

These two adaptations provide a liquid milk preparation in the feeding bottle and a thickened milk in the stomach. Therefore avoid plugging of the teat, prevents residues of powder in the bottom of the feeding bottle and unnecessary suction effort to the infant.

The transition from REGALAC® AR 1 to REGALAC® AR 2 is advised at the age of 4 to 6 months depending of the development stage of the baby.




Breast milk is the best food for infant.

SUPRAMIL® GF is a special temporary nutritional formula specifically designed to contribute to the management of severe diarrhoea and to fulfill the needs of infants in recovery phase. The essential targets of a good management of acute diarrhoea are:

  • The replacement of water losses
  • The replacement of the electrolyte losses

SUPRAMIL® GF is not a breast milk substitute, due to its different composition. Before using SUPRAMIL® GF ask your doctor or health professionals for advices.

SUPRAMIL® GF should not be used for more that 5 to 7 days after a successful rehydration with rehydration salts. When stools have normalized, the usual diet (such as infant milk formula SUPRAMIL ® 1) from before the onset should be gradually re-introduced.

SUPRAMIL® GF is the ideal source of energy to follow right after the successful rehydration short period.

SUPRAMIL® GF contains adapted carbohydrates content (it is a lactose free product) that allows an appropriate energy intake by the infant.

SUPRAMIL® GF is enriched with electrolytes (Na, K and Cl) and Zinc to correct the dehydration effect upon an acute diarrhoea. It will help the baby to keep its body water.

SUPRAMIL® GF has no added iron to avoid enhancement of diarrhoeal symptoms.

SUPRAMIL® GF contains nucleotides to contribute to an optimal intestinal growth and facilitates the repair of the intestinal mucosa to the immune system.

SUPRAMIL® GF is enriched with 4 conditionally essential nutrients: Inositol and Choline contributing to nervous transmission, L-Carnitine facilitating the lipids transformation & metabolization, and Choline a major component of membrane phospholipids.

SUPRAMIL® GF contains a specific carbohydrate, a high level of casein to reduce vomiting and a low level of fats having no impact on the adequate intake of nutrients.

SUPRAMIL® GF is manufactured according to the highest standard of Hygiene and Quality norms in force in the field of infant formulas.

SUPRAMIL® GF is easily digestible and can be taken from birth onwards. It has a good palatability for a better acceptation by the infants.




Breast milk is the best food for infant.

SUPRAMIL® COMFORT is a special infant milk formula specifically developed for the management of common minor digestive disorders (constipation, gas, regurgitation & colic) which can lead to infant discomfort and parental anxiety. Such common troubles may be caused by a digestive immaturity of the infant, the fact that the liquid prepared milk is too warm or too liquid or even by infant anxiety or tiredness and can be associated with fever, loss of appetite, restlessness. Ever contact your doctor in such cases for advice. SUPRAMIL® COMFORT has a composition close to breast milk profile and can be used from birth up to 12 months.

SUPRAMIL® COMFORT is enriched with an ideal ratio of Prebiotics (90 % GOS & 10 % FOS) stimulating beneficial bacteria and having a positive influence on intestinal flora and immunity development. It leads to a better consistency and frequency of stools and helps to prevent constipation and colic.

SUPRAMIL® COMFORT contains partially hydrolyzed whey proteins facilitating digestion due to a faster gastric emptying.

SUPRAMIL® COMFORT contains specific carbohydrates replacing a part of lactose. Nevertheless, SUPRAMIL® COMFORT keeps all the benefits of the lactose such as Prebiotic effects, softening of stools and enhancement of water, sodium and calcium absorption, while being easily digestible.

SUPRAMIL® COMFORT contains specifically selected starch reducing the regurgitation of small quantity of milk and being easily digestible.

SUPRAMIL® COMFORT contains a low lipid content reducing the negative effect on gastric emptying and transit time. It contains essential fatty acids (ω6 and ω3) in a ratio complying with the current recommendation.

SUPRAMIL® COMFORT is enriched with 4 conditionally essential nutrients: Inositol and Choline contributing to nervous transmission, L-Carnitine facilitating the lipids transportation & metabolization, and Choline a major component of membrane phospholipids.

SUPRAMIL® COMFORT complies with the regulations in force (EU Directive 141/2006, Codex Alimentarius version 2011) as so as the most recent recommendation (from the group of experts of ESPGHAN – publication 2005).

SUPRAMIL® COMFORT is manufactured according to the highest standard of Hygiene and Quality norms in the field of infant formulas.

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