Standard Formulas



REGALAC® 1 is an infant milk formula from birth.

REGALAC® 1 is prepared with fresh cow’s milk and contains all necessary nutrients for a good baby development (energy, proteins, essentials fatty acids ω6 et ω3, minerals, vitamins, choline, taurine, L-carnitine and inositol)

REGALAC® 1 is formulated following the breast milk profile.

REGALAC® 1 is compliant with Codex Alimentarius regulations, European and ESPGHAN (European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition) recommendations.

REGALAC® 1 is enriched with specific micronutrients.




REGALAC® 2 is a follow-up baby milk formula from 6 months.

REGALAC® 2 is prepared with fresh cow’s milk and contains all necessary nutrients for a good baby development (energy, proteins, essentials fatty acids ω6 et ω3, minerals and vitamins)

REGALAC® 2 is the main liquid meal of a progressive diversified diet which will provide all the necessary nutrients in proteins, calcium, iron, choline and essentials fatty acids for the baby.

REGALAC® 2 is formulated following the breast milk profile.

REGALAC® 2 is compliant with Codex Alimentarius regulations, European and ESPGHAN (European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition) recommendations.

REGALAC® 2 is enriched with specific micronutrients.




REGALAC® 3 is a growing-up milk formula from 1 to 3 years old.

REGALAC® 3 is prepared with fresh cow’s milk and contains all necessary nutrients for a healthy growth of children from 1 year (energy, proteins, essentials fatty acids ω6 et ω3, minerals, vitamins and choline).

REGALAC® 3 is a growing-up milk formula with nutritional value combined with an excellent taste thanks to sucrose and vanilla flavor.

REGALAC® 3 ensures the nutritional requirements for a healthy growth of children from 1 to 3 years old combined with food diversification.

The energy intake of REGALAC® 3 provides the high energy needs for this age. With 500 ml, 1/3 of the daily energy is provided.

REGALAC® 3 is enriched with specific micronutrients.
